Helpful Links
Xerces SocietyA nonprofit organization that protects wildlife through the conservation of invertebrates and their habitat.
USDA Forest ServiceThe site is dedicated to the enjoyment of the thousands of wildflowers growing on our national forests and grasslands, and to educating the public about the many values of native plants.
Pollinator PartnershipAn organization dedication to promoting the health of pollinators, critical to food and ecosystems, through conservation, education, and research.
Recent News
This week the White House released new strategies to boost the insects so crucial to our food supply. Here's how you can do your part to support pollinators at home. Click for more information.
Not all plants are equal in their ability to support pollinators with nectar and pollen. Some cultivars and modern hybrids may actually lack nectar, or be so complex that pollinators cannot utilize the plant. Click for more information.